Entertainment, Arts, and Sports Law Young Alumni Scholarship

EASL students visit Wimbledon as part of the Player Licensing and Growth of International Games course in London led by DeMaurice Smith, Longtime Executive Director of the NFLPA and EASL Program Board Member.
EASL students visit ACF Fiorentina as part of the Comparative Sports and IP Law short course in Florence, Italy.
EASL Students at ISDE for the European Sports Law course in Madird, Spain.
EASL student legal interns with the 2024 WNBA Draft class as part of WNBPA Rookie Orientation.
EASL students at Viola Park (the training facility for ACF Fiorentina) for a site visit with team executives as part of the Comparative Sports Law Program in Florence, Italy.
EASL students outisde Università degli Studi di Firenze for the Comparative Sports and IP Law course in Florence, Italy.
This scholarship grant is given annually by the Entertainment, Arts, and Sports Law LL.M. Young Alumni Board to EASL students who demonstrate financial need, academic achievement, leadership, and a commitment to the program


The Entertainment, Arts, and Sports Law LL.M. Board believes that all EASL students deserve an equal opportunity to participate in the transformative experiential learning opportunities available through the EASL program.

The funds will help subsidize EASL students' participation in the program’s national and international courses and practica.


Gifts and donations will directly contribute to the growth, development, and prosperity of Miami Law’s EASL Program, through the Young Alumni Board’s mission, goals, and initiatives. Please help us develop the next generation of industry leaders!

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